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Monday, April 4, 2011

When my father was taken away...

I was only about 9 years old when my father was taken away. They call it 'kidnapping' even when it is an adult. Sometimes, it is 'abducted'. I learned later that it was because of my father's invention - you see, he was working on a printing press. Yes, way back in early medieval times. People were fascinated by inventions, especially something that seemed impossible. But long before my father began inventing a printing machine, people in China had been printing with movable wooden letters.
Papa had made another one when he lived at Kings Castle, and this one had been sold and taken away to another Kingdom. But they couldn't get it working and now, bad men had come back to take my father away with the partly finished printing press he had been working on in a building at the back of our manor house attached to the wood-shed.
So, while Luke and I were out riding, having a bit of a race to the cliff-top where we could look down on the village and manor house, my father was taken away. Everyone was locked in the wood-shed. Luke was taken there, and when I got back home, I was locked in there too.
Because I was the smallest one in that room, I was lifted to climb out and get help.
I told the Reeve in Chanoine village what had happened and while he took care of it, I decided to ride my new horse, Brownlea, in the direction the kidnappers had gone because I could not just let my father be taken off like that, could I?
Everything happened so fast, but I know my heart was full of prayers for my father. How could we be a family without Father?  I so wanted to do something to rescue him...

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